Ant VR drone site scan with the Zeil Lab, ANU
Ant VR Zeb Horizon LIDAR site scan with HRPPC and the Zeil Lab
Scan of the Currency Creek Arboretum during the Borevitz Lab sampling field trip
Fall scan of the ANU research forest at the National Arboretum
Summer scan of the ANU research forest at the National Arboretum
Scan of the ANU research forest at the National Arboretum
Scan of the ANU research forest at the National Arboretum
Scan of the ANU research forest at the National Arboretum, by ProUAV at 60/80m altitudes
Scan of the ANU research forest at the National Arboretum
Full scan of the National Arboretum, Canberra, taken by ProUAV for the APPF
RN Robertson greenhouse facility, Research School of Biology, ANU.